2024-25 Leadership Beaufort presented by

What is Leadership Beaufort?
Leadership Beaufort is a fun, educational, and rewarding program sponsored by the Washington-Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce that is designed to meet our community’s needs for the active involvement of informed and dedicated community leaders. Developed by the Chamber to ensure a continuing reservoir of leadership talent for the future, Leadership Beaufort consists of a series of one-day sessions designed to inform, to challenge, and to motivate leaders to become involved in supporting and directing the future of Beaufort County. The program provides participants with an in-depth look at specific topics of community interest, such as city and county government, education, health resources, non-profit organizations, law enforcement and the courts, and economic diversity of Beaufort County.
Who is it for?
The course is designed for those who represent various businesses and professional sectors of the community as well as individual potential community leaders. Those who want to learn more about the community while developing and refining leadership skills are encouraged to participate, whether they are new to Beaufort County or have lived here all their lives.
What is the cost?
The tuition for Leadership Beaufort is $600.00, which covers materials for the course, lunch during each session, transportation during each session and the graduation event. Tuition must be received prior to the first day of Leadership Beaufort. Payment plans are an option.
For further details, including upcoming dates, click below: