The Washington Beaufort Chamber of Commerce is the largest and most diverse business association in the region. Founded in 1882 by local business leaders, the Chamber today is an independent organization representing hundreds of companies and a regional workforce of approximately 120,000.

Board of Directors
Stuart O’Neal
President of our Board
Edward Jones
Penny Coltrain – Past President
ECU Health Physcians
Sandra Warren – Treasurer
Executive Personnel Group
Dr. Dave Loope – President Elect
Beaufort County Community College
Zack Mixon
Mixon Foods Group
Ellen Brabo
Ell Hotel
Greg Coltrain
RiverStreet Networks
Chief Stacy L. Drakeford
City of Washington
Jennifer Evans
First National Bank
Jeff Furst
Flying Pig Provisions & When Pigs Fly Inn
B. Selden Taylor
Stocks & Taylor Construction
Chris Respess
United Country – Respess Real Estate
Pam Pippin
Pippin Resource Group